The Great Reset hinges upon a specific set of beliefs

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(Long read)

The Great Reset hinges upon a specific set of beliefs. Explicit or implicit ideological and actionable adherence to the following:

  • pαndemίcs and prevention of ‘cοnταgίοn’
  • vαccίnes and ρreνenτατίνe treαtment
  • cΙίmατe chαnge and cαrβοn redυcτίοn
  • the left-right polarising divide
  • abolition of the separate private and public spheres and replacement by Public Private Partnerships (P3s)
  • dissolution of nation states
  • digital transformation and A.I control of the traditional three estates (separate powers of government)
  • revamped constitutions and ‘reimagined’ faith systems that advance collectivism and homogeny

Acceptance of these ‘problems’ and their predetermined ‘solutions’ are the GLARING SET-UP for us to walk straight into the digital gυΙαg and sit down to a meal of crispy cockroaches with a side serving of greens cultivated without sunlight.

These shady traps are so well concealed by confusion and distraction that starting at the end and working backwards is about the only way to see past the smoke and mirrors. Consider the following an exercise in reverse engineering.


The conclusion envisaged by the World Economic Forum, the United Nations and their affiliates is global goverNANCE withOUT a visible governMENT. We, are deviously being promised an equitable, inclusive, diverse, sustainable, and level playing field. What is actually happening is the forced transition into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, better understood as, comprehensive automation of physical labour, synthetic or artificial substitution of anything that can be imagined, more political and economic globalisation (ie., interdependence), fewer physical interactions, less human input, less emphasis on real experience, evermore immersion into virtual reality, no private property, and no free will.


Since humans are characterised as inherently biased, greedy, over-consuming, and fallible, artificial intelligence, a fancy name for algorithmic code (n.b, written by humans), is to determine the distribution of energy, food, shelter, clothing, travel miles, medical care, law enforcement, justice, information, jobs, and education. Material goods, apportioned in the same vein, will be for temporary-use-only. Recycling, reusing, and upcycling will establish a Circular Economy respectful to nature. To this end, it is anticipated that planned obsolescence will be removed from the core tenets of modern manufacturing practice.

Redefined as privileges, these entitlements will be dispensed on the grounds of ‘predictive modelling’ based on ‘precision metrics.’ What this means in English is that algorithms which determine human pathways will be coded to predict outcomes, and so real world instructions will be based on computational forecasts. THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED WILL BE THE DECIDING FACTORS of the opportunities and barriers in our lives. This is the reason for omniscient and omnipresent surveillance above and “below the skin,” according to Y.N. Harari, who rationalises that the more intelligence gathered, the more accurate the predictions will be.

Furthermore, the better-safe-than-sorry ‘Precautionary Principle’ will be strictly adhered to in the name of security. Zero tolerance to risk will be built-in to the programme. If an individual is gauged to have a predilection or predisposition of sorts that isn’t favourable to predetermined outcomes, that individual will be ‘shielded’ from temptation or participation. For example, I have the propensity to forsake the emotional comfort of others, by speaking my mind to those who avoid, with fervour, opinions contrary to the official narrative. Thus, geofencing will very likely be employed to keep me from attending a ‘community town hall’ exercising the new version of political ‘representation’: Deliberative Democracy or a Citizens’ Jury. That is the abridged version of the logistical matters, which are aimed at our ‘logical brain,’ the left cerebral hemisphere.

To persuade the right hemisphere (the seat our humanity presides) a WORLD ALLIANCE is being proposed: We are to ALIGN ourselves with others and the earth. In this endeavour, our mind’s eye is being asked to imagine the countryside becoming a pristine environment via the relocation of people, industry and farming.

On the other hand, cities are being transformed into bundles of discrete, self contained neighbourhoods–tightly regulated to prevent crime and disease. These ‘safe spaces’ are promised to nurture a cohesive melding and blending of cultures, ethnicities, genders and religions. These 20 MINUTE communities will (ostensibly) engender solidarity: ONENESS with each other and nature.

To ensure each resident performs their responsibilities to the cοΙΙective, and receives their equitable allotment (a spin off of cοmmυnίsm), A.I will be deployed as arbiter.


Lax laws about privacy and its breaches (see Cyβer ΡοΙygοn) will be crafted and then magnified in the media. “Scathing critique” from major news publications calling for statutory regulation of the Metaverse will garner popular support, resulting in a (gΙοβαΙ) constitution for the (gΙοβαΙ) virtual space. Moreover, a licence to gain entry into the online realm will be set in (gΙοβαΙ) law.

To put into context and real world terms, ‘digital twinning’–one’s cyber identity–will come before their real, flesh and blood person. If the electronic twin isn’t given a green light by A.I, the person will be locked out in physicality (already demonstrated with ναccίne certificates). Notably, gΙοβαΙ citizens will NOT have access to the Ιnternet without their bίοmetrίc ΙD being tracked and logged. ALL activity ON- and OFF-line is building a data repository on a personal blockchain, and will travel with the person as metadata accessible to the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. Random people’s phones, wearables, devices and appliances, smart street lights and poles, new vehicles, etc., all have sensors, receivers and transmitters that communicate with our unique data bundle, in real time. The purpose of it is to coordinate, manage and profit off real people in real life in settled areas, as well as in nature (i.e., smart beaches and smart forests).

However, commodification isn’t limited to Human Capital. Nature is another dynamic, eternal spring of data. ‘Natural processes,’ like rain, sunshine, wind, the flow of a river, tidal ebbing, animal migration, gaseous exchange–to name only a few–can be measured, and thus managed, and therefore traded on the stock market. There will not be a square inch of earth or life not ‘included’ in Inclusive Capitalism. Not people, not ecosystems, not soil, not flora or fauna will evade the cybernetic replica of earth, nor its intervention and monetisation in the burgeoning Data Economy.


The platform of e-heαΙτh is the mechanism by which everyone will be ensnared into the system from “womb to tomb.” Co-opted by the medical mαfία, are the entry and exit points of life. Consider it as you would a traveller navigating port entry and passport control in a foreign country. Now see that ‘face control’–biometric facial recognition technology–will be your ‘key’ to life, every breath between your first and last will be accounted for with bio-nanotech. When the full potential of biometric surveillance is successfully realised and scaled to include the microcosm of cellular function, thought control will not be perceptible to the object. An outrageous proposal by transhumanists employed by the WEF, but the definition of literal cyborgs (governed beings) nonetheless.

Back to the immediate future, ALL public and private services, goods, utilities, products, transactions, and exchanges are being overlayed with cyber locks that only digital identification can CONDITIONALLY open. The computational lock is BY DEFAULT SET TO ‘DENY.’ The privilege (not right) to access life’s most mundane of interactions is granted upon receipt of an acceptable digital aggregate, or ‘footprint,’ or SοcίαΙ Credίτ Rατίng.

Post script

This is the future that has been in the works for many decades. It is not a theory, it is a reader’s digest of the agenda, with many key terms and phrases that are easily searched and verified by authoritative sources, such as governmental websites.

I’m loathe to add the ideological isms that inform Agεndα 2030, because they often distract people who have fixated on a particular flavour of sΙανεry or τyranny. Thus, I’m purposefully leaving it out in the hope this summary should travel further. (My optimism is showing, I know.)

(Originally posted on other profile last year)


  • Cindy Niles

    An excellent researcher with the gift of explaining in detail, the impact of technology and data mining and the impact of your day to day life and how your children and the younger generation are being targeted.

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